Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Mitch...All I can say is that I just received Joseph's Dimension speaker cable. Absolutely wonderful tonality, clarity, detail and presence. In my system, it relegated to obscurity some very fine Siltech cable. I agree with you---at AH's prices, just go for the top of the line Discovery.
Pardon my mistake ! Of course, I meant the top of the line Dimension, not Discovery.

Just one more observation. Joseph's IC(dimension)seems to reflect his passion for noise as a curse on the signal. Terrific balance and very low noise signature.

Gabriel Gold Revelation, KCI silkworm are two well known and very good cables. Its a matter of taste.
La45: You are right on the mark. I too sense an extremely low noise floor. One can pick up on recorded sounds that resemble the barest whisper. I'm now extremely interested to hear that Dimension interconnect though I currently own two other highly regarded and very fine sounding brands.
Mitch i understand your frustration with Audio Horizons Web site concerning Dimension ICs and Speaker wiring. The only mention is the price list. Let me say though that after getting and using Dimension ICs and speaker wire i am totally floored at its quality build and of course its musical presentation. In my case i retired my JPS Superconductor 2 ICs and speaker wire. I would not have believed it. Now my whole system is Dimension wire. I went the same route as you the 30 day trial. I believe that before you buy if possible you should try. Hope this helped and good luck.