Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Hi guys,
If you know of anyone who is in the market for a TP 2.0 that has been upgraded to a 2.1 there is one available one the following site,under the pre amp category.
The seller informs me that the AH doesn't have the synergy he's looking for.It's been very quiet on this thread,trust everyone is well.
Markwatkiss: "... trust everyone is well."

My TP2.0 is still doing great and I enjoy it immensely. My amp, on the other hand, rolled over on me (don't ask - it involved sparks...) and I'll be down and out for about a month.

The good news is that I'm getting an "upgrade", so it should be even better when it returns.

No music... stinks.

Question for AH 2.0 and 2.1 owners?

I am in the market for a new preamp and looking for the following physical/mechanical requirements:

balanced in/outs
remote control
HT pass through or unit gain

I have certainly read quite a bit of interesting comments on the AH preamp and also some accusations in other posts, but a trial period will ultimately tell the value for me.

My questions are:

Does the 2.1 have an HT pass through or unity gain, I didn't see a reference to this on the AH site.

Can anybody comment on the suspected symetry with Watt/Puppys (5.1) and Krell FBP amps? Soundstaging depth, width and focusing abilities of the 2.0/2.1? Smoothness in the treble region? Balance along the entire frequency range?

Thanks, ckoffend
Hi Ckoffend

Yes, I think Joseph can build your pre with an HT pass through. I would email him to confirm. The 2.1 is very smooth in the treble and would be a great match with a nice SS amp like your Krell. Stage is wide and deep. One of the preamps strenghts is its balanced from top to bottom.

I think this pre would add a nice element of body and texture to your amp and speakers. It has done so with my systems. I did use the 2.1 with a Belles SS amp and found the combo very nice indeed.

Just try one! Nothing to lose as you can return it if you choose.

Based on what you need and the rest of your system I would go for the top of the line in terms of add-ons. Get the best with the Siemens tubes if you can afford it. I have this unit with remote.

Good luck.

Some of you might like to read the latest review of the Audio Horizons TP 2.1 in Stereomojo:
