Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

Rob, within the next 45 days, Audio Horizons will make an announcement about how to rip and play CD's similar to the way you are, but in a way that not only does not degrade the fidelity, it actually enhances it.

Keep an eye peeled for my post in about 30-45 days.

Victor -

Wow! That would be great, as I already appreciate the sound, though I do observe a difference from Redbook playback. (I needed to do this setup on a budget.)

Can't wait!
What is the price for the upgrade to 2.1? It seems to me that the 2.0 for sale is dying and the 2.1's have sold rather quickly.

I have a Audio Note 300B power amp and a ASR Exclusive Phono amp and I need a pre amp. I tried the AN M3 but it was dark and muddy sounding.

The DeHavilland UV-2 and the Herron are also on my list, but the posts here are getting me interested in this pre amp. The same thing happened to me on the Gabriel Gold thread and the members there were right on with their take on Steve's cables.

I have the original TP 2.0n version and I love its natural sound. It is far from being dark or muddy. Of course, it is dependent on the power cord, interconnects, and tubes used in the system. In my system, using Von Gaylord Chinchilla interconnects from pre to amp, Fusion Audio Impulse power cord, and a pair of early Siemens Cca tubes in locations one and three, the sound is very lifelike, dynamic and natural. Also, buying new from AH gives you the return policy if it doesn't synergize in your system. I'm not in any hurry to do any upgrading with my preamp. Please also note that I was one who spent the $375.00 to upgrade to the 2.1 version and I eventually went back to my original 2.0 version. YMMV. I personally feel that you'd have to spend a great deal more money to get a better preamp.

I second and agree with Sherod on the YMMV but can't lose on either the AH 2.0 or 2.1. Take it from a previous Gabriel Gold fan.
