I'm not sure what the differences are between the new and old harnesses. The new harnesses are smaller gauge and more flexible than the old. Maybe Joseph or Victor can further explain. Joseph might want to keep the two versions proprietary. As far as the sound of the 2.0 vs. the 2.1, in my system they were very different. In my system and in my humble opinion, I preferred the original 2.0, although now that I feel that the old harness had a better sound to my ears, I might some day put back in the new version caps to give them another listen. My system sounds so good now that I'm afraid of changing anything for fear of moving backwards. I've done that on occasion when experimenting with tweaks and sometimes after trying a combination of various tweaks and going backwards with the sound, I'll forget just what I changed and trying to get back what my ears originally liked would be painstaking. I've learned the hard way to do one tweak at a time, document that tweak, and listen carefully before trying the next tweak. I'm tired and not thinking clearly tonight, so I hope I didn't make things seem too confusing. (O: