Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

Too bad...Louisianna is a trek for me from Connecticut :) Would have liked to meet you. Perhaps if you are serving up Gumbo and I happen to be at Mardi Gras....


Indeed its hard to pinpoint opinion on this thread as to the 2.0 upgrade. You are right that systems and preferences vary and are none absolute. I happen to respect a more critical mind like yours especially when you made it a mission to improve the older version yourself by upgrading the caps.

It's been a while, but I paid Joseph to install the upgrade on my preamp. from what I recall there were three things done in the upgrade. When I decided to "downgrade" back to the original version, Joseph was very kind in walking me through it to revert it back myself to save on labor and shipping charges. The first upgrade was in the power supply. This upgrade required replacing two diodes with two capacitors to increase the voltage . The next was replacing the main output caps with the newer versions. The last one, and most difficult was replacing the wire harness. The hardest and most time-consuming as it was very difficult soldering the wires back to the volume pot. I actually broke off one of the pot terminals and had to order another new pot from Joseph( $40.00) All of this hassle has made me reluctant about doing else to it. I have, from time to time, contemplated trying a pair of the expensive Dueland DSF copper caps. I have read that these are amazing, particularly in speaker crossovers, but they would work in the preamp since Joseph keeps the voltage low in the outputs. I have for a long time, been a DIY guy as I have gotten better with soldering and it is fun sometimes if you like to do that DIY technical kind of thing. If you're not confident in doing it yourself(diy) then let Joseph do it as you could hurt either yourself or void your preamp warrantee.
La 45 if you are ever down to the big easy get in touch and we will pass a good time.

For those interested, upgrades to 2.1 will be forth coming a reply from Victor by email.

Sometime in November we will announce two new upgrades for 2009. They are expensive upgrades, one affecting the entire power supply, and one providing another level of upgrade quality to the circuit and caps. Combined, the two would provide a dramatic increase in the performance of older 2.0 and 2.1 preamps.

I will have more to say about this on the discussion forum and in a newsletter later this month.
I'm wondering if this upgrade will be available for us DIY-types to save money or if we have to send it to Joseph. I look forward to Victor's announcement.

Sherod- Great info about your DIY experience. Any others?
I am not afraid of the iron myself. But that wire harness story, you are a brave man.

Stltrains, will take you up on your offer for sure since Louisianna is a fascinating destination especially for its music vibes.

Upgrade for the AH, lord have mercy time to start saving in my piggy bank. Thanks so much for waking us up. Now, Victor no more promises lets see the upgrades.