Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Which brings up the question: If it really does need 300-500 hours break-in to sound its best, is Joseph's trial period long enough to cover that?
Sherod I went the audition route and would say Joseph gave me more
Than enough time and I was won over by the fine sounding 2,1.

I sure would like to hear from more AH pre users who have gone
The upgrade route.
It has been a few years now, but I recall deciding to keep my TP 2.0n after about 150 hours. My next step was finding a nice quad of Siemens CCa tube upgrades for further refinement.
O yea Siemens early 60s CCAs are a step up along with Josephs Dimension power cord and ICs. Time on my system adds up
pretty fast as i daily play at least three or four lps and weekends its a music fest down here.
After all these years i still cant get enough of that good ole classic rock and roll.
Is it Joseph's practice to give out new units for audition? I would think he'd have broken in 2.1s for audition.