Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Sherod I went the audition route and would say Joseph gave me more
Than enough time and I was won over by the fine sounding 2,1.

I sure would like to hear from more AH pre users who have gone
The upgrade route.
It has been a few years now, but I recall deciding to keep my TP 2.0n after about 150 hours. My next step was finding a nice quad of Siemens CCa tube upgrades for further refinement.
O yea Siemens early 60s CCAs are a step up along with Josephs Dimension power cord and ICs. Time on my system adds up
pretty fast as i daily play at least three or four lps and weekends its a music fest down here.
After all these years i still cant get enough of that good ole classic rock and roll.
Is it Joseph's practice to give out new units for audition? I would think he'd have broken in 2.1s for audition.
Unless Joseph is specifically selling a demo unit and/or has otherwise changed his policies, I had thought that all units shipped for evaluation were new with possibly just a few hours on them. A comment from Joseph or Victor here regarding this would be nice.