Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Ever give any thoughts to an exciting career with Audio Horizons as their pitch man.Happy New year guys.
As Sherod suggested in December, here is the latest information I have regarding Audio Horizon product development.
Joseph brought three new products to me to audition. I had seen one of them, an EL34 SET amplifier in an earlier version. The others were a single ended (unbalanced; RCA type connectors) interconnect, and a power cord.

Here is what I observed:
Power amplifier: Previously I had auditioned two versions of an EL34 SET. I identified them as a small chassis version and a large chassis version. There were many differences between them. The large chassis version was superior to the small chassis version. Joseph brought an improved small chassis version for this audition. Joseph told me that the amplifier has some different components. For example, there is a new coupling capacitor (not Clarity) and a new choke. Previously, I very much liked the large chassis version of the EL34 - if he ever gets around to selling one, I want to buy it. In the case of this small chassis version now, I think he has closed the gap between the two versions by about half. The soundstage of the small chassis version is a bit smaller and less deep than the large chassis version. Since I did not have both versions to compare, I'm vaguer about other distinctions between them.
We compared two versions of a power cord with Wattgate connectors. The only difference was the length of the power cord (1meter v. 2 meters). Joseph's interconnects and power cords are grouped into classes. The highest class is called Dimension. This power cord is in the Dimension class. The 2 meter version audibly improved the amplifier performance, to my ear particularly in the the resolution and openness of the highest frequencies.
Here is the surprise (to me). The 1 meter version caused the amplifier output to be less resolved and open than the 2 meter version. The difference was fairly pronounced.
We auditioned another 2 meter power cord. This version had Furutech connectors (the first 2 meter power cord had Wattgate connectors). The Furutech connectors improved the sound even more. The Furutech connectors appeared to have a copper plating on the metal tines.
I gathered that the unbalanced interconnect is intended to be an improved version of the current Dimension unbalanced interconnect. I had only unbalanced Transparency (a lower class of Audio Horizons interconnect) cables with which to compare it. There was really no comparison. The new interconnect was much better in every attribute I associate with an interconnect. Since I use balanced interconnects in my system, I probably won't take advantage of this improvement.

It appears to me that Joseph is not a person to be moved by immediate commercial considerations. I have hoped that he would bring an amplifier product to market soon. Yet, he continues to improve and refine his work. He told me that he is dissatisfied with his 845 SET prototype (see my earlier post) but that the EL34 is getting close to his objective. I don't know what motivated him to start on power cords and interconnects, but I did ask him to accept an order for three 2 meter Dimension powercords with Furutech connectors in the event that he finished development of them.

That is the latest news that I have to share.
Thanks Cedar for your update, i have a Transparency PC now on my 2.1. Sounds like Joseph is doing what he can to make a good item even better by refining it. I like what i m hearing using his Dimension ics with my gear good sound and well built.
Is Victor no longer associated with Audio Horizons? I haven't seen him post in a good while.
I received an e-mail from Victor recently and his wife just had knee replacement, so he's been busy caring for her. He didn't mention his current association with Joseph, but Victor had told me a few years ago that he would retire and write books once Joseph felt comfortable on his own. Victor was just temporarily in the loop to help Joseph with advertising, promotions and communications. Victor has been following these threads so maybe he will post soon and fill everyone in on his current status. He also told me that he had problems with his e-mails and didn't receive some of them in case anyone has written him lately. He said it has been fixed so he should be able to receive e-mails now. Victor, if you are still following this thread, I hope your wife has a fast recovery and gets well soon. (o: