I regret not getting in this thread sooner. I had an idea that many a-gonners were musicians, but I am surprised at the overwhealming majority, or what seems to me to be.
I have played, but never made the jump, I have always stopped just short. I cannot really answer why I haven't played for enjoyment besides. I have a recent thread I answered on this recently that might explain my confusion, if anyone cares to get that deep.
What is of interest to me in this thread, is this question for those who play or have played- what is the connection between audiophilism and musicianship? I always have thought of audiophiles who do not play, or have not played, to be musical much the same way as a musician. I have thought of a non-playing audiophile as closer to a non-playing or unpractised musician than say, an "average" person who listens to music more like the general public with less of a passion and more for casual enjoyment. This is the connection I feel.
Thank you for this insightful, thoughtful poll.
I have played, but never made the jump, I have always stopped just short. I cannot really answer why I haven't played for enjoyment besides. I have a recent thread I answered on this recently that might explain my confusion, if anyone cares to get that deep.
What is of interest to me in this thread, is this question for those who play or have played- what is the connection between audiophilism and musicianship? I always have thought of audiophiles who do not play, or have not played, to be musical much the same way as a musician. I have thought of a non-playing audiophile as closer to a non-playing or unpractised musician than say, an "average" person who listens to music more like the general public with less of a passion and more for casual enjoyment. This is the connection I feel.
Thank you for this insightful, thoughtful poll.