Tube amp recommendation for Gallo Reference 3's

I have Gallo Ref3 speakers with the Gallo subamp. Been using NAD S100 preamp and NAD S200 amp. Recently switched to the ModWright 9.0SE preamp. Amazing difference! I had not really heard a soundstage before. Much more involving musically without a big change in tonal balance. Now I am thinking of going tubes all the way. Any recommendation for something under $3K? I listen to jazz and rock mainly.
I use a Cary SLI 80 and I love it. I also have the Gallo SA. Together I feel they have enough juice to let the Gallo's open up. With great imaging and tight bass.

I had played with the Dared 300B on mine.... not nough power to do a real good job so I went back to my SMC/MacCormack DNA 0.5 Platinum (but a fun afternoon of listening).
Try the Quicksilver V4 120 watt mono-blocks. You can find them used in your price range. Even at their new list price, they are almost unbeatable. They sound terrific with the Gallo's
To Jeffreybehr: The NAD S200 is rated at 225 wpc into 8 ohms and 450 wpc into 4 ohms. It is a member of the Silver Series, NAD's first foray into high-end audio, which never caught on.