What to buy with $2000?

I have been out of touch from high end gear for about 4 years. I was the proud owner of an AR LS5mkIII. I should have never sold it. I had a Blue Circle BC3 Galaeta. And now its time for a new pre amp for no more than $2000. I am interested in the AR LS 16mkIII. How about a quick education on other options.
Thanks Kindly,
as before...start with speakers and work backwards. the ar's are a good choice. nothing has changed in four years except prices continue to go up on everything and dealers continue to go belly up.
I definitely would vote the Joule Electra LA-100 Mk III.

A non-upgraded version if possible.

I love mine. The remote is a nice option as well.

Best of luck.
Another vote for the Joule LA 100 Mk. III. They also hold their value very well, indicative of a well regarded piece.
For my money I would go with a Joule LA 100 or a First Sound.
I used to own them both and would have no problem going back to them.