First, do you have a way to match voltage between amps? How are you crossing your system over (i.e. active/passive unit)?? I guess what I am trying to get at is: How are you going to match the levels between your satellites and the bass speakers?
How effecient are your satellites? How big is the room? etc.... Do you need balanced connections? Are you OK with biasing the amps or, do you need something that self biases?
Lot's of questions for you to think about (maybe you already have). Some answers: You might ad the ARC VT100 to your list; a great amp that can be had in mkII version for around 2.5k. The Audiovalve amps look pretty nice and have lot's of cool features. I have heard good things about them but, have never heard one myself. I heard a couple of BAT amps and they were definitely not my cup of tea (YMMV).
Hope this helps
How effecient are your satellites? How big is the room? etc.... Do you need balanced connections? Are you OK with biasing the amps or, do you need something that self biases?
Lot's of questions for you to think about (maybe you already have). Some answers: You might ad the ARC VT100 to your list; a great amp that can be had in mkII version for around 2.5k. The Audiovalve amps look pretty nice and have lot's of cool features. I have heard good things about them but, have never heard one myself. I heard a couple of BAT amps and they were definitely not my cup of tea (YMMV).
Hope this helps