Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon?

For some time now I have been progressing towards the Lamm ML2/ML2.1. My current system contains Avalon Eidolon speakers and the Lamm M1.1 (or did contain the M1.1 as I just sold them).

I love the Avalon Eidolon and have difficulty letting them go. My eventual progression is still towards the ML2/ML2.1, but I am curious whether anyone here has been crazy enough to try the ML2/ML2.1 on the Eidolon. If so, what were the results?

I do know the ML2/ML2.1 and their 18 watts can still drive relatively inefficient speakers, but perhaps not the Eidolon with their impedance swings and overall 4 ohm 87dB efficiency. I could, and may, try the ML1.1 as an intermediate step, and the last step in the evolution of my Eidolon, before I move to the ML2/ML2.1.

So, any thoughts on the ML2/ML2.1 on the Eidolon as opposed to the ML1/ML1.1, even though I expect I will eventually still replace the Eidolon for speakers that mate better with the ML2/ML2.1.

Thanks much.

I think you would be making a mistake. The ML2s are great amps, but you will never get their magic when they are partnered with the wrong speakers. Think of your speakers and amps as a single component when you make your choices, it's the best way to go. Just my humble opinion.
Avk - I just got my Lamms M1.2 Reference. I thought they sound great ... untill I borrowed an Ancient Audio Grand Silver Mono 16W SET amp last week, based on parallel 300Bs. What a sound ! Astonishing ! It blows EVERYTHING I have ever heard in my life. Microdynamics, soundstaging, decays, resolution, purity of tone. What a synergy with Eidolons. Who would have thought ... only 16W. Impossible and incredible at the same time.

I think I will have to sell the Lamms, LOL. They are 2 weeks old.

The guy that builds those amps is positively crazy.

So who knows - maybe the 18W Lamms ML2.1 will work too ?
While I have never heard the pairing, I would think the glory of the Lamm would be hampered by such a load. You may want to contact Audio Federation as they have Marten Design speakers of similar build (ceramic/diamond) and sensitivity being powered by low powered Audio Note s.e.t. They also carry Lamm and may have run them on the Marten speakers.
Avkmusic,unfortunately,the future,for you,is set!As you will NOT be able to rationalize the lack of potential improvement,which comes with more headroom,from a more powerful amp,should you keep the Avalon.
That being said,your current Lamm,is one of the finest amps available.I have heard it many times,though NOT on Eidolons(I own Ascents,btw,which are a very easy load).
Based on my own observations(which is SOLEY opinion),and I have heard the Eidolons,I do believe that you would be best served by weighing which component(the Lamm,or the Eidolon)is the "stronger" component.Then,if you still feel the need to replace one,making a decision as to what potential combination,of speaker/amp interface(which is SUPREMELY important to think of in THAT way)would best serve you.
Based on my own tastes,though the Eidolon is a superb design,it IS a tough load overall,and needs a more complex amp to drive it(one reason I stayed with my Ascent MK-2).This brings more complexity,in circuitry,into play,and is potentially not so good.
The Lamm,as you know,is a simple design,containing a superb sense of the all too rare,in this hobby,"organic flow" of what makes music SO wonderful.HARD TO GIVE UP,once experienced on a suitable speaker.Why not try some easy load speakers,to hear the Lamm magic,then make a decision.I'm not saying sell the Eidolon.Just try to audition the Lamm on some suitable speaker alternatives,which might really surprise you,and change your perspective.

Best of luck!