Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon?

For some time now I have been progressing towards the Lamm ML2/ML2.1. My current system contains Avalon Eidolon speakers and the Lamm M1.1 (or did contain the M1.1 as I just sold them).

I love the Avalon Eidolon and have difficulty letting them go. My eventual progression is still towards the ML2/ML2.1, but I am curious whether anyone here has been crazy enough to try the ML2/ML2.1 on the Eidolon. If so, what were the results?

I do know the ML2/ML2.1 and their 18 watts can still drive relatively inefficient speakers, but perhaps not the Eidolon with their impedance swings and overall 4 ohm 87dB efficiency. I could, and may, try the ML1.1 as an intermediate step, and the last step in the evolution of my Eidolon, before I move to the ML2/ML2.1.

So, any thoughts on the ML2/ML2.1 on the Eidolon as opposed to the ML1/ML1.1, even though I expect I will eventually still replace the Eidolon for speakers that mate better with the ML2/ML2.1.

Thanks much.


Thanks. You're correct, as the OTL is going to have trouble with the low and non-stable impedance of Eidolon, however, the main point of my response relates to necessary output power.

The Lamm is simply not going to provide the power necessary to realize the full potential of the Eidolon compared to many other amps. I also still believe you will be taxing the Lamm, regardless of design.
Ad03 - I have just tried a 16W SET amp with my Eidolons, and it was by far the best combination I have triead. Before that I have tried a 30W SET amp based on GM30 tube - also absolutely NO problems.

So IMO it is rather a question of QUALITY not QUANTITY. I know all those stories about 200/300/600W power amps needed for Avalons. And yet, my OWN expirience says otherwise.

My theory is, that If the amp has a SOTA power supply, even 16W is enough.
Thanks for all the replies. I do suppose the ML2 on the Eidolon is crazy.

I am still tempted to try the ML1.1 and, while I suspect it wil better the M1.1 I had been using, I expect even the ML1.1 may still cheat both itself and the Eidolon.

One person had mentioned the Convergent Audio Technology JL-2 for the Eidolon. I suppose I will consider that. But it seems likely I will try to find a replacement for the Eidolon and keep with Lamm equipment, a fork in the road to which I have been heading for some time now.

Anyone here have expectations for either the CAT JL2 or the Lamm ML1.1 on the EIdolon?
I do have the Avalon Ascent in combination with CAT JL2.
I think it will combine well with the eidolon, i suspect there will be more detail.