Amp for Martin Logan

I just purchased a set of Ascent i speakers and a Decent sub from a friend that moved up to Summits. I have a Resolution Audio Opus 21 and Cat SL1 mkii pre. I am looking for an amp under $2K. I love tube mids but don't think I can afford a tube amp that will drive the Logans. Is there any SS amps that can give me the mids and still drive the highs and bass? Or how about a tube amp in my price range? Any suggestions?
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I drive a pair of CLS11z with 2 Classe DR 8 amps run in mono.Stable and smooth.You could try the same but in stereo ,one amp to the panels, one amp to the woofers to keep the voice of the amp and speakers the same.Or one amp in stereo for the left speaker and one amp in stereo for the right,but you will need another set of pre-out on your pre-amp and another set of interconnects.Worth the experiment, and there's no shortage of amps for sale used.
After talking to and emailing quite a few people, I am considering a NuForce 9.02 or Bel Canto Evo IV mk ii. Has anyone heard both of these amps? Any comments?
VTL ST 150 would do it and sound magical. i've heard VTL + Logan, and it's a sweet match
Would the VTL have enough power for the MLs? They dip to a little over an ohm in the highs.
I am using the H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks - they were designed to drive the Apogee Scintilla's which drop to under a 1 ohm load. They are currently driving my Martin Logan Summits very nicely now that the speakers are finally breaking in. I am using a pair of the M250SA's.

H2o Audio Website