Nice looking - for living room?

I'm looking to add a second system this year, up in the living room. The room is 12 x 20. It will be used at lower levels - party/dinner accompaniment and lower level listening. The constraints: $8K MAX, must be Nice To Look At(as decreed by my boss).
Pieces needed: CD player, amp/pre, small (or thin) speakers. I'm thinking maybe Salk or Tyler speakers, tube amp/pre, CD - I dunno? I think in terms of looks, Sim Supernova with their new integrated (I7?) is pretty cool looking and totally integrated - but of course all SS. And would blow the budget. Pretty damn good solid state, though. I would entertain used, but probably not on the player.
Please, unleash your thoughts!
New Martin Logan Vantage. Powered woofer will allow you to use lower powered (less expensive) tube amps. Really cool to look at. Sounds good.

Integrated tube amp (Jolida?).

Five disc CDP that could be hidden in cabinet.

All should come in well under the 8K budget, look cool and sound good.
One box solution: new naim one box gear (avi?), mated with a small Proac loudspeaker. Nice sound, relatively cheap, small, easy to use.
revox sc22 and sc25 cd and integrated amp (1500-2000)neutral, detailed, dynamic, with phono board just in case ...castle howard (2700)great sound and heirloom furniture....the balance on a turntable or spend on the boss.
a Consonance Droplet to a Wavelength Duetto feeding a pair of Cain and Cain speakers ... there are used of all on the market and you would be under the $8k mark. with the droplet, no preamp is needed

I am not selling any of the above
