Wanted:Warm, Sweet preamp.

I was wondering if any Agoners could help.

I am lookfing for a pre-amp which is tonally warm and has a sweet midrange yet without sacrificing detail and dynamics with excellent bass handling.

I would like suggestions in case I don't like the built in pre-amp in my cdp.

I am building bit by bit as I already have a temporary setup.
Sorry for omitting some details.

I would like to keep it under 5k if possible new or used. Prefably used. Even though I do like the sound of tube amps I would never rule out a SS amp.

I don;t need ultra transparency or detail. But I would like a bit.

I listen to all kind of genre's with Rock, accoustic, classical and opera being my faves and most played.

So pace is important as well although I don;t need the fastest sounding either.

Hope this info helps with recommendations.
Then of my original suggestions I'd recommend the Joule LA-100 MkIII. Warmer than the LA-150 IMO.