Attention Vandersteen 5A owners/ amp matches

What are all you other 5/5A owners using to drive your speakers these days. I have noticed members using Bel and also Quicksilver. I am really thinking about selling my humble farm and spending up to 15 k (new) or used on an amp. I generally have leaned in the direction of tubes in the past, but am not totally close minded to all SS right now. I prefer a slightly warmer sound, but now of course want (almost) everything with my upgrade. I am now considering Audio research , VTL S400, Jadis Ja 80, and am interested in a used pair of Jeff Rowland 9 monos. I am looking for plenty of power( although I know 5A s are o.k. with less) which I hope will translate to a relaxed effortlessness. I want the 5A to fill my 23/12/8 size room with a nice wide ,deep soundstage with good dimensionality. Thank in advance to any and all suggestions. Boy, am I going to miss that farm.
I also have my 5A's hooked up to Rogue Audio Zeus. It sounds awesome. I have rolled the 12au7 tubes and 12ax7 tubes in this amp and it raised it to a new level. Prior to the Zeus and when I had must model 5's I had a ARC VTM 200's. The stock Zeus before the new tubes blew the ARC's away. The ARC midrange and high's just don't have it compared to the Zeus. You do not have to spend a lot of money in the case of the Zeus and it will make your 5A's sing
I ended up with Telefunken smooth plate 12ax7 and RCA clear top 12au7's. This combination is just awesome.
I recently tried the Einstein hybrid with my 5A and all the positive press this manufacturer has received is clearly justified. It had good control of the bass , and was extremely detailed with very smooth and liquid mids and highs. As much of a world class contender as this amp is, I just feel that the Vandersteen may benefit from slightly more power. This is not to say this Hybrids 115 watts was not respectable, because it definitly was. I just felt that at higher listening levels, it sounded loud but not effortless. Again,this is strictly in my system with the AA capitole 2 as my only source. I would love to hear this amp with a speaker91-94 db sensitivity, IMHO it would be hard to beat. There are just too many Vandersteen 5A owners out there to have so little feedback for this thread.
It would be nice to hear from more people.
Fjn04 - I use the Theta Citadel Monoblock amps with the 5A's. My room is 34 x 12 x 8.5 and with the Citadels the sound is (among other things)effortless. If you can find a used pair (rarely come up on Agon) they would be in your stated price range. They are well worth auditioning with the 5A's. Good luck