I recently tried the Einstein hybrid with my 5A and all the positive press this manufacturer has received is clearly justified. It had good control of the bass , and was extremely detailed with very smooth and liquid mids and highs. As much of a world class contender as this amp is, I just feel that the Vandersteen may benefit from slightly more power. This is not to say this Hybrids 115 watts was not respectable, because it definitly was. I just felt that at higher listening levels, it sounded loud but not effortless. Again,this is strictly in my system with the AA capitole 2 as my only source. I would love to hear this amp with a speaker91-94 db sensitivity, IMHO it would be hard to beat. There are just too many Vandersteen 5A owners out there to have so little feedback for this thread.
It would be nice to hear from more people.
It would be nice to hear from more people.