Attention Vandersteen 5A owners/ amp matches

What are all you other 5/5A owners using to drive your speakers these days. I have noticed members using Bel and also Quicksilver. I am really thinking about selling my humble farm and spending up to 15 k (new) or used on an amp. I generally have leaned in the direction of tubes in the past, but am not totally close minded to all SS right now. I prefer a slightly warmer sound, but now of course want (almost) everything with my upgrade. I am now considering Audio research , VTL S400, Jadis Ja 80, and am interested in a used pair of Jeff Rowland 9 monos. I am looking for plenty of power( although I know 5A s are o.k. with less) which I hope will translate to a relaxed effortlessness. I want the 5A to fill my 23/12/8 size room with a nice wide ,deep soundstage with good dimensionality. Thank in advance to any and all suggestions. Boy, am I going to miss that farm.
How about 5As with an Edge NL12.1? And do the 5As' amps
generate a lot of heat? (I once had to sell a Pass X350 because of all the heat.) Also please, how near can one sit in front of
a 5A? (I sat pretty close at an audio show once and thought they were fine, not too "in your face.") Thanks in advance.
The vandersteen 5's need power. They are on the dark side (electrostatic) qualities with a dark twist. They do not play loud (dynamic range). They are one of the best speakers in the cone magnet woofer type in its price range. Nothing can touch em for under 48,000.

If your electronics are up to par. They are not a good choice in my experiences. Just to dark for my tastes now.

A front end is were to spend hard earned money.

Roger Busby
Vandersteen 5As do indeed play loudly with Parasound JC1s driving them. Believe me, I've heard them at my friends house many times.

They do play quite loudly when called upon to do so.

And they are magnificent.
>>Nothing can touch em for under 48,000<<

That's simply incorrect and disingenuous.

They are outstanding speakers but there are dozens of speakers that "can touch" them.

And one not need spend $48K to do it.

You need to get out more.