Attention Vandersteen 5A owners/ amp matches

What are all you other 5/5A owners using to drive your speakers these days. I have noticed members using Bel and also Quicksilver. I am really thinking about selling my humble farm and spending up to 15 k (new) or used on an amp. I generally have leaned in the direction of tubes in the past, but am not totally close minded to all SS right now. I prefer a slightly warmer sound, but now of course want (almost) everything with my upgrade. I am now considering Audio research , VTL S400, Jadis Ja 80, and am interested in a used pair of Jeff Rowland 9 monos. I am looking for plenty of power( although I know 5A s are o.k. with less) which I hope will translate to a relaxed effortlessness. I want the 5A to fill my 23/12/8 size room with a nice wide ,deep soundstage with good dimensionality. Thank in advance to any and all suggestions. Boy, am I going to miss that farm.
I use my 5As with a combo no one has ever mentioned or probably even thought of, BAT VK51 se through a Krell FPB 600. Why? Because that's what I happened to have when I bought the 5As. My ambition has always been to switch to an Ayre system but they sound so good as is it's hard to rationalize spending all the money to switch. Loud? Yes. Dark? NO! Bright? No. I think there is no right or wrong answer here. These are some of the best speakers ever designed and will sound very good with whatever they're matched with. I still would like to hear them with a pair of MX-Rs in my room though.
I'm using the 5a's with a Joule Electra LAP150 and a pair of Spectron Musician III SE MkII used as monoblocks. The Vandersteens have no problem handling the huge power of the Spectrons. The Spectron amps energize the Vandersteens- they sound bigger and more dynamic. The neutrality and range of the 5As is well-matched with the distortion free output and huge dynamics of the Spectron amps.
I agree. The 5A doesn't need a lot of power in theory but lots of power really brings them to life. They manage to never sound overly bright to me though.