Neat cheap amp suggestions . Help me have fun.

I have a system in a spare bedroom and would appreciate some advice on a neat power amp. Budget is less than $200.00. There are the obvious overseas contenders from NAD/Parasound/Adcom/Rotel. But I had hoped to get something a little more off the beaten path. I don't know, Musical Concepts modded Hafler, Sumo, perhaps even something weird. Ultimate power output will not be an issue, but it will need to have a bit of slam and not sound rolled off, a little bright would not be bad. I am just looking to have a bit of fun! Any suggestions? Any thoughts?
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B&K ST140, Muse model 100, Forte model 4.... a used NAD, Rotel might suit you. $ 200.00 is not much to work with, but some old SS out there is very musical.
Here's cheap'n'neat for ya: How bout a pair of those cute little Marantz MA-500 monoblocks? Not geriatric, and a pair used should only set you back within $50-100 of your target price at most. I have to admit I've never heard them myself, but I've long felt Marantz receivers sound superior to their prime Japanese competition from Sony or Yamaha where price is matched, and this unique model was generally well reviewed by mags and online owner surveys. Best of luck with the fun!
This is a very old thread so I'm sure you found something cheap and fun; however, in case anyone is still looking for cheap and really fun, you've got to check out:

I've currently have a Fleawatt in my bedroom system and have given 2 of them away as presents to my nephews. Their definitely the most fun I've had in audio in a while :)