Isolation Theory Question

I'm comparing the Vibrapod versus the Cardas/Ayre myrtle block devices for isolation in my system. My stands are Lovan Soverign with small pieces of sorbothane between the steel frame and the wooden shelves as a bit of an after-market tweak. I have not mass loaded the stands.

My question is more theoretical, as there seems to be a difference between these options, but I cannot say if one is better than the other, they are just different. So, I feel that it's pretty obvious what the vibrapods seek to accomplish, but am unsure what problem the myrtle blocks are supposed solve? It seems to me that any vibration will be transfered from the shelf to the component through the block. Is this not the case?

Right now, I seem to prefer the blocks under my solid-state amp and tube preamp and the vibrapods under my dac, transport and turntable... I'm not sure what to infer from this, but it seems that the devices that have motors prefer the vibrapods and the more stationary devices prefer the blocks. I'm curious if there is any "theory" that might help me decide what to use where?

If it didn't look weird, and block air circulation, access to front panel buttons, doors, rear panel jacks, etc., I'd place all my components on goosedown pillows. Really.
FWIW, when I tried Vibrapods, they dulled the dynamics significantly in my system when placed under tube pre-amp. I sent them back because system sounded flat, rolled off at extremes and very uninvolving. If you have a tube pre-amp, I recommend Herbies Audio Labs Hal-O tube damping instruments for the tubes and Herbies Tenderfoot feet under the component chassis. These work and actually improve the sound. Vibrapods made it worst. BTW, what I experienced with Vibrapods, others reported similar effects. I even started a thread about this to make sure I wasn't hearing things(in my head).
Hi Dave,

My company does not manufacture, nor do we recommend, pointed cones for use as vibration control devices. I think you may have us confused with another company.


Barry - yes, my mistake...sorry.

Still - after looking at your site - yet another scientific explanation to explore...