Best tube integrated under 1500 new or used

I am using a MingDa 300B-4T and it is actually pretty good. I guess with mod such as power supply, coupling cap and other upgrades then it will sound even better. The one I have is 100% stock.

What other tube integrate amps you think offer great values for under 1500 usd new or used?
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Tvad, yes, (I guess I was thinking of the TAD-150 Signature preamp). The upgrade with the Auricaps and the filter caps is the model I was referring to. I don't think there is a TAD-60 "Signature," just this upgraded version. And I would definitely recommend going for the upgrade as I'm getting pretty impressive, tight, and controlled bass out of this unit.

Another thing to ask for (even if it costs a little extra) is Paul's heavy-duty gray power cord. It made a nice improvement in sound over some much more expensive cords I tried.
my vote the ..ONIX SP3 with mods ,all well under $1.5K ...without a doubt Extraordinary value