Wow,that's about the harshest setup you could possibly have...that adcom amp is a real ear splitter...good recommendation is to do what Swampwalker suggests..good luck.
Looking for warmth
WoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW! My ears are bleeding just reading about that setup! A tube pre might work as well. There are a few that can usaully be had for around $600-$700. Or some warmer IC's between the source and the pre would help. If I recall Cardas can be warm and sweet. That would be the cheapest bandaid. Or you could just start over :) |
My suggestion would be to sell both amps and the preamp and buy an Onix SP-3 tubed integrated. This piece is warm, sultry and extremely articulate. It opens the door to the big time. You can find one on here for about $500 new or used even though it is built like the $5000 tube gear from the big American names. The only caveat concerns your listening habits. While the bass from this amp rivals anything solid state, this amp is for music and will not serve well for ear splitting headbanger stuff. Look into it at |
Warmth is assoiated with the upper bass to lower midrange frequencies, say from 160Hz to 400Hz. You may be experiencing cancellation in this area due to "floor bounce". Using a mirror placed flat upon the floor you need to determine the reflection point. Place a pile of soft pillows or blankets at this point and then sit back and listen. A spoken male voice, cello or solo piano are recordings that will readily show the effect. If this is not the case, then try moving your speakers and/or listening position closer to the wall behind them. Do it in small increments and be sure to adjust the speaker's toe-in. If neither of these two suggestion work, then you might try playing with your interconnects starting from the source component. Cardas and Discovery come to mind, but there are other very good and inexpensive cables available. I just don't see the need for the radical restructuring of your system as suggested by others. They are not as good as the McCormacks and Classe products, but the Adcoms are good performers. However, if you really want to get radical, try a parametric equalizer like the Presonus EQ3B. |
I totally agree with the McCormack amp suggestions. The place to introduce tubes, in my opinion and if you are so inclined, would be at the preamp level. I have been very satisfied with VAC preamps in that regard. You can pick up a used Standard LE on Agon for about $2K or so and it is an excellent intro to tubes (plus it is built to last forever). I have also discovered a great synergy between VAC and McCormack gear. |