Looking for warmth

I need some advice...I am looking for warmth in my system..I have Vandersteen 2ci's biamped with an Adcom 555mk2 for the bass and an Adcom 545 for the mids and high's..source is an Nad cd player running into an NAD 917 preamp. I'm using audioquest interconnects and "Anti-cable" speaker wire...I'm looking to spend about $500
Any suggestions would be appreciated....
Remember this a rookie observation,but the amps are giving you the glare/edge you seem to be trying to soften.A Belles or Mc Cormack for 7-800$ along with your Adcom resale $$,might do the trick,good luck,Bob
I had 2cis for years, with Moscode or McCormack amplification. Warmth is what they had in spades, to my ears. I agree w ith Usblues and Jmcgrogan2; Adcom is a good amp when you needs lots of juice, but it is not known for warmth. Classe, Belles, or McCormack is a good way to go. The DNA 0.5 sounds better than the DNA-1. I would get one of the 0.5s and you would probably be 1/2 to a second for vertical b-amping.
Wow,that's about the harshest setup you could possibly have...that adcom amp is a real ear splitter...good recommendation is to do what Swampwalker suggests..good luck.

WoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW! My ears are bleeding just reading about that setup!

A tube pre might work as well. There are a few that can usaully be had for around $600-$700. Or some warmer IC's between the source and the pre would help. If I recall Cardas can be warm and sweet. That would be the cheapest bandaid.

Or you could just start over :)
My suggestion would be to sell both amps and the preamp and buy an Onix SP-3 tubed integrated. This piece is warm, sultry and extremely articulate. It opens the door to the big time. You can find one on here for about $500 new or used even though it is built like the $5000 tube gear from the big American names.
The only caveat concerns your listening habits. While the bass from this amp rivals anything solid state, this amp is for music and will not serve well for ear splitting headbanger stuff. Look into it at www.AV123.com