Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.

Congratulations Vac_man. I see that you sold your VAC Ren 70/70. I know it's probably a little early yet to give us a status on your new Phi 300, but a quick report on its sound would be nice. Assuming all else is the same in your system, do you hear a difference for the better over your Ren 70/70?

I didn't get out of the home theater, but I replaced Theta Dreadnaught II with BAT- 75SE for front channels and Butler 5150 for the rest.
Now I'm thinking about changing my analog multichannel preamp (McIntosh C-45) with a quality two-channel preamp and pre-pro for the surrounds.
Some people are of a strong opinion that built-in decoding in DVD player run into analog preamp is inferior to dedicated processor (for movies).
Maril555: WRONG THREAD!!
Henryhk: It is listed under the VAC Phi line. In fact, its the first piece of gear in that category.