Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.

So far, at about 70 hours, I am amazed at how much better my system sounds than with my prior amp, the McC DNA-500. The bass is actually a little deeper, a little faster and much more palpable than before. If I wasn't hearing it, I wouldn't believe it, since the DNA-500 is excellent in that area. My speakers are Legacy Whispers, with lots of bass drivers and relatively efficient(94). As far as mids and highs are concerned, there is a much greater sense of air around the instruments and much better imaging as well as depth of soundstage. To summarize so far - very fast, incredible bass reproduction, natural decay to instruments and voices - no coloration at all - you just hear the music as it was meant to be heard. This amp sounds like it is in a league of its own and its still not hardly broken in yet!(no, I haven't heard every amp and have no desire to hear others at this point). I can now better appreciate why Kevin was so enthusiastic in discussing the Phi 300 last year - he has really designed a great amp. I will post more impressions as the 300.1 breaks in.
I am using the 8 ohm taps and UL mode.
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I don't know Tvad, but I'm glad you did cuz I've enjoyed the heck out of it since you sold it to me. I think it will arrive Tuesday with the new update. I'm very curious to see what the new design has to offer, but I'll admit I've been a little nervous because I really had little to nitpick with the amp to begin with. If it hadn't been for the 300 series owners and Kevin raving about the differences I would have never really considered it. We'll see...

How is the 300.1 sounding after 70 hours? My experience with the 300 was that the bass and the holographic imaging and soundstage really improved dramatically after about 60 or 70 hours. Just curious as to whether you are experiencing the same. Now you appreciate first hand why it is such an awesome amp.
Vac_man - Ive been out of town a lot over the past 7 weeks or so dealing with a family emergency and have been "unplugging" my system so the dog-sitters don't try to even touch my audio gear (if it doesn't lite up, there's no temptation to play with it, right?). Consequently, I haven't had much of an opportunity to break-in the amp. It seems I am always playing catch-up as it starts to get really nice and then its time to leave town again. Hopefully this traveling will let up soon so that I can spend some more time listening and enjoying. I will say that the bass has been very impressive so far, even with all the interruptions of the power supply. I'll be able to post additional impressions hopefully by month's end.