EL-34: JJ Tesla or Electro-Harmonix?

Between these two cheaper brands which do you guys recommend. I'm looking for decent tubes to go into an amp I intend to sell - will keep the nicer tubes currently in it for myself. Also, if you know of other brands in the $40/quad range please let me know. Thanks!
Interesting, 1markr!

In our shootouts, in three different systems (mine, Badboss429's, and Audiogon dealer Stephen Monte's/Quest For Sound) the JJ E34L and JJ KT77 sounded nothing alike. One would probably not expect they were made by the same company, as normally I find tubes have a definite house sound. However, the JJ KT77 sounded more than a bit close to the JJ KT88, but with superior mids.

We also tried the 1960s Mullards, I'll write the findings up in a thread here soon.

I was hoping we'd be able to try the SED tubes, but no one had a set to put forward.

It's nice to get a lot of different perspectives here, as it broadens the understanding of the tubes. Guess the old adage of system dependence is at work...
JJ/Tesla (EL34 and E34L) vs. Sovtek vs. SED, I preferred the latter in a CJ amp.
Very nice thread. It's been some time since I had some tube gear however I always liked the Svet EL34. Could someone tell me more about the JJ KT77. Like I said it's been some time. Thanks in adavance.
Hey Trelja, I agree, it just goes to show you that the ancillary equipment using particular tubes also has a definite affect on the sonics of the tubes.

I was expecting the same results as you with the KT-77s after all the raves, and I'm probably the ONLY guy who is underwhelmed with these otherwise fine tubes.