I hope break in is true

This is the first time I ever bought a brand new out of the box Preamp. No, wait. Second but, the other doesn't count.
I had made previous posts about my decision to downsize.
I have, everything is kinda good. You know, Okay.
I bought a pre here. great seller, great store. Couldn't have been smoother.
I am just not used to this type of stuff. I wanted something with a phono included. I kept it well under a $1000.00
Now, I got to ask you guys. Will this thing get better???/
I have not had to worry about break in before. Does it really exist?
It is a very well built unit. Remote, I'm not used to that! That's nice. Has everything I need. Except it isn't alive. The music is there, presented very nicely. Clean, no extra stuff. Just doesn't have any dimension.
Please tell me this is going to get better:)
Break-in is real, in my opinion. I doubt that it's solely a psychoacoustic phenomenon, although that may be part of it.
I am not so sure about the whole break in thing and I to question if we simply get used to the sound.
I think I feel comfortable saying that it is a Musical Fidelity product. I have not had any experience with any of their products before.
With some pieces I have heard little to no changes even after months of listening and other times I wondered if my gear was doing the whole William Hurt/Altered States metamorphosis because the changes in sonic character were so fickin' wild and extreme.

Therefore, I'd say it depends on the exact piece of equipment whether break-in will be noticeable, and also on the sensitivity one has to perceiving it.