amp de-powering soon after power-on

For all your electronics wizards on this forum, what would cause my Bryston 3BST to turn itself off, several seconds after manual turn on? It is doing it consistently.

I assume this is a protective maneuver. Is it a short? Fuse??

I've checked the power cord; changed it to a different power strip; checked all other connections. Since I am a mere consumer, I don't know what else to do.

The amp was working fine last week. It's in my office system, which was off over the 3-day weekend. I know I can send it to the company, but am wondering if I can fix it on my own. Thanks for your help.
Your questions would be best answered by Bryston -- call them, they're very nice. And, they will tell you if you need to send the amp in for service, or if you could fix it on your own.
please post the result of your conversation, as i've an amp with a very similar problem.

I suspect that it is caused by circuitry that turns the amp off in the event of overheating etc...a defective component (possibly a capacitor) in the circuit is causing the circuit to get turned on, turning off the amp. As Nsgarch suggested, contact Bryston as you cannot fix it yourself.
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