Need help to trouble shoot the noisy amp.


Not too long ago, I bought a pair of hybrid monoblock amp. One is dead quiet and the other is noisy but still plays good music. 90% of the amp is point to point wired so very easy to compaire the two. The noisy one is also running bit hotter and vibrates bit more on my touch.

Upon careful inspection, I've noticed that the power supply wires are connected (bunched up) differently. The quiet one is joined with (thick red + brown + black) & (thick white + white + light brown) combination. The noisy one is joined with (thick white + brown + black) & (thick red + white + light brown) combination. It has one big toroidal transformer and on small one connected to the input tube.

Could this be the problem? All other wirings are same on both. I'm tempting to re-wire the noisy one to see what happen. However, I don't want to distroy the amp either.

Big TIA for your kind advise....
Perhaps the best thing to do is go back to the manufacturer and provide the same description and ask the same question. Are the amps consecutive serial numbers? Who is the manufcaturer?

I agree with albertporter about calling the manufacturer first, as it just takes a few minutes to verify. If not obtainable, and you have even basic electronic trouble shooting skills, and can locate a cheap volt meter (Home Depot, Radio Shack, etc), at least take some measurements before swapping the wiring. Mr. Porter and Gs5556 are right about their warnings, so, at least verify and discharge any HV caps before tinkering.

Unless you are a qualified technician i would not recommend rewiring the amp yourself. As stated by others power supply capacitors can store electricity for months. Unless you know how to drain them i would recommend you defer to someone else. As for the amps noise problem. Have you switched IC inputs to verify that it is the amp you are describing. My point is have you verified that the stated amp is noisy or not?? Also you may want to check your grounds on your fusebox to verify that it has a ground rod. Also, as others have stated call the manufacturer and see if they can offer ideas. It may be possible to "lift" the ground on the amp.

hope this helps,
