Music Reference vs. Quicksilver

I am in the market for a lower powered tube amp.....small, moderately efficient speakers in small room. I am thinking about either a used RM-10 amp (35 watts our of a pair of 6bq5 tubes), or a used pair of Quicksilver mini-mites (25 watts out of a pair of el34 tubes). Any one got recommendations based on their experience? Appreciate the input.....
I have not heard the current Quickies, nor the Muse References. I do have a bkgrd of experience with Quicksilver from when I owned several Quickie products. From this experience, I can say that Quicksilver provides some of the best and no-nonsense customer service in the high end industry. To my way of thinking, that level of quality support holds a lot of weight when making a purchase decision.

In addition, the Quickie products are engineered quite well by a very smart designer, and built quite solidly.
Tubes108, I agree with you, but keep in mind that the very same can be said about RM, both the man and the product. Two classic designers, if that can be said of a person.
Drove a pair of Reference 3a MM De Capos with all Quicksilver stuff for a couple of years (Mini Mites, Linestage, and phono preamp). The combination sounded great--far superior to the integrated amps that preceded it (Audio Analogue Puccini, Musical Fidelity A 3.2, and Unison Research Unico).

I ended up selling the De Capos and now need a much bigger amp than the Mini Mites--I only wish I could afford a pair of V4s.
Pubul57: I owned the Music Reference RM9 Mk1, and a Music Reference RM200 which I bought and sold twice over the years and still regret selling.

I considered the RM10 a couple of times but have always owned power hungry speakers, so I never owned a RM10 (yet)