Upgrade from Forte F40/4A

Forte F40 and 4A have served me well. Ok not me, but my parents. I am looking for convenience (remote) and ease of use (integrated?) so they will use the system more often. System will be used in high heat and humidity location in Asia so prefer cool running gears.

Have been tempted with digital amps like Bel Canto or NuForce. How do they compare sonically with a stock Forte 4A? I like almost everything about Forte 4A, but sound is a little flat with F40 but can't afford to use a tube pre to add more dimension due to heat and operation complexity.

Are there any integrated or pre/power combo that can beat Forte combo in $2k range used? Speakers to pair with are Sonus Faber floor stander.
>> have good experience with McCormack, I had a DNA-2
>> Deluxe in the past and very happy with it, drove my
>> Sonus Faber Extrema better than Rowland 8Ti HC!

i don't doubt you but, boy, am I very surprised to read this or what??!!

>> 04-26-06: Elizabeth
>> I still use my Forte 4a that I bought new.
>> And plan to use it until it passes into audio-heaven.
>> The grass is greener right here.

yes, I have seen a lot of posts from you re. the 4A power amp! You seem to be the most die-hard fan of this amp! :-) Don't you think that it might be a good idea to listen to other stuff on the market (new or old) from time to time just to ensure that the 4A is still holding up its end of the bargain? Or, maybe you have hence the grass is greener comment?
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If you are dead set on an integrated check out the Blue Circle CS or NSCS. All you will get with the remote is volume control but excellent sonics. Go to Audio Asylum and read the threads as well as here. Try to listen to them. I have never dealt with the company but they get rave reviews for customer service. Good luck Semi!


I am sure there may be a few others but here is where I would start. Let us know what you decide to do.

Elizabeth is correct, the 4A is a product worth staying excited about and is a best value for what they go for in the used market. What else you gonna spend $600 or so for that is going to sound any better? They have increased in value over the past 18 months following the asking prices and sales trends and I sold mine for what I had in it. Not many used electronics can make that boast and this from a company that is not even in business any longer. It is usually a good idea to stay away from a company that cannot service what you buy used, not so with Forte (thank goodness for Jon Soderberg). However, you rarely hear of problems with the 4A. IMHO sonic improvement comes slowly incremental in an amp from the 4A, even as the $s go up dramatically. She has reached equilibrium and can enjoy more software with her money, give to charity or eat out more often instead of chasing equipment nirvana. Congratulations Elizabeth!