>> have good experience with McCormack, I had a DNA-2
>> Deluxe in the past and very happy with it, drove my
>> Sonus Faber Extrema better than Rowland 8Ti HC!
i don't doubt you but, boy, am I very surprised to read this or what??!!
>> 04-26-06: Elizabeth
>> I still use my Forte 4a that I bought new.
>> And plan to use it until it passes into audio-heaven.
>> The grass is greener right here.
yes, I have seen a lot of posts from you re. the 4A power amp! You seem to be the most die-hard fan of this amp! :-) Don't you think that it might be a good idea to listen to other stuff on the market (new or old) from time to time just to ensure that the 4A is still holding up its end of the bargain? Or, maybe you have hence the grass is greener comment?
>> Deluxe in the past and very happy with it, drove my
>> Sonus Faber Extrema better than Rowland 8Ti HC!
i don't doubt you but, boy, am I very surprised to read this or what??!!
>> 04-26-06: Elizabeth
>> I still use my Forte 4a that I bought new.
>> And plan to use it until it passes into audio-heaven.
>> The grass is greener right here.
yes, I have seen a lot of posts from you re. the 4A power amp! You seem to be the most die-hard fan of this amp! :-) Don't you think that it might be a good idea to listen to other stuff on the market (new or old) from time to time just to ensure that the 4A is still holding up its end of the bargain? Or, maybe you have hence the grass is greener comment?