Aleph 5 passive vertical bi-amping?

Does anybody have any experience of vertical bi-amping with the Pass Aleph 5? I'm wondering if its worth a try, assuming I can get hold of another Aleph 5 of course!
Try driving the bass with any old ss amp at hand (with sufficient output)and check out the result -- before you actually buy an Aleph. Your pre would have to be capable of driving a more difficult load (two paralleled amps). I expect there wouldn;t be a problem.
The advantages of vertical bi-amping are that each amps power supply only has to drive the bass on one speaker. You will experience greater volume and dynamics, with a more effortless musical presentation. And used Aleph amps are reasonably priced.

On the other hand horizontal bi-amping, like one reply states, still requires the that the amp driving both channels of low frequencies still puts a greater demand on that amps power supply. This defeats the advantaqges. Anyway, for sonic balance both amps should be identical.
Thanks for your responses. It sounds like it could offer a good improvement in the sound, particularly with regards to dynamics and control - which is what I'm after.

The Alephs work best with the balanced XLR inputs. This will mean that I need to split each output signal from my preamp (L and R) using some sort of Y adapter. As far as I can make out, this is the only way that I would be able to connect up what would become the 2 Left and 2 Right inputs on the power amps. Does anyone have any suggestions about adapters or specially terminated XLR cables? If I can get a good adapter, that would enable me to continue using my XLR Nirvana S-X interconnects, which I am loath to part with!