Cost of Counterpoint 5.1

Was looking at this sale

Isn't that a bit pricey for this preamp? Last time I checked the Audiogon values, I think the listed range was $500-800. I have seen some with Alta Vista upgrades going for more, but..... I'd like to get one of these preamps either upgraded or stock (but more reasonably priced) if anyone knows where.
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My view mirrors Elizabeth's.

I sold an SA-5000A for more than what I paid for it.
Based on the fact it was in like-new condition, I received 65 views in less than 10 minutes,
I knew something was happening.

It sold in less than 3 hours, plus shipping, insurance and Paypal on the buyer, he made it easy !

Wish I had a few more to sell.
Jeffnc, I think your on the right track! I never heard a Counterpoint preamp I didn't like.
I really do not know why their pre amps are so desirable now, they were no better than CJ, ARC in their day. The early VTL was far superior to them all ( late 80's early 90's. Counterpoint amps were nothing special. Why did Counterpoint go out of business?
Gbslps,you really dont know because you never had one.yet you dare to compare!Imposter!20 lashes for wasting this precious cyber-space.Do your homework before school tomorrow and you wont have to ask why for a change.Mike is [arguably] in the top ten.Now beat it......