"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?

I recently had a chance to audition an ASL 1008 monoblocks to run my Thiel 3.6s and I found the amp to be able to run the Thiels and the warmth of tubes is there but it just sounds too slow.When I switch back to my Krell FPB 200's the music seems to sound normal again. I know this is not the best that tube amps has to offer and the Thiel 3.6's are not the best speakers for tubes,so I need your recommendation. Speakers that's at least at par with the Thiels 3.6s speed and transparency and a matching tube amp with balls.
Nestorovic NA1's, if you can find a pair on the used market are the best (alongside the Tube Research Labs GT200 amps)I have heard period. Now for what you can actually buy new...Wolcott P220 amps are hard to beat.

Hi Mike,

Actually, Tube Research Labs are still available. The prices have increased somewhat though. Sound by Singer carries them.

Hope this helps,
Rmml- As for speakers, I'd recommend checking out the Coincident Technology line. Outstanding match with great tube gear. Good luck.
i have tube research stereo 100, mono 400s and 800s . andy has a pair of 200s. the designer builder etc, custom builds to order. good luck in getting a pair. he is a personal friend of mine, and would be glad to talk to you . thanks kirk.
Try a SS amp. Pass Labs with a tube preamp or the pass labs' x-1. I own a pair or 2.3's. With the x-1, you get 90% of the magic of tubes, with-out having to own tubes.