Wood blocks underneath components?? snake oil?

Hi, I have read that putting some sort of woood blocks underneath components helps in the sound. In particular, I believe Ayre actually suggests doing this. Can anyone explain to me how this helps?
Fair enough, Rotarius. I understand your point.



"enjoy music, tolerate equipment"
Hello Newbee..Nice to see you here all these years..The following statement is intended to mean no harm only to invoke thought not verbal pain..There is no such thing as isolation because everything is always in movement. Tom

Fair warning! Nasty wars have already been fought in this forum about the efficacy of the devises which are purported to drain vibrations from audio equipment. Been there, done that. When it was all over there was no agreement about anything, just a lot of PO'd folks. :-)

Oh crap! We don't need more PO'd folks. Our hobby is all about perception anyway. Just thought some of you might be interested in how it's done in the *real* world :)
Post removed 

Thanks for explaining...makes sense.

I use an Oracle TT that would fit into the spring model, I generally place it on a black diamond source shelf and cones "found the sound more to my liking, than just on the stand".
Could I trouble you for the names of some catalogs you refer to?
Might be an interesting source for a little experimentation or DIY "bastardization" isolation platform.