Cayin A 88-T integrated:The new King of the Hill?

This fine integrated is finally getting some long overdue credit. The recent April review on 6 moons will confirm this. Although this integrated (and Cayin products in general) have been considered very-much ''high-end'' in Europe for the past 10 years or so, it has not gathered much attention - up to now at least.

I currently own this integrated, and, so far so good, way above my expectations in fact. But, like all tube amps, these always sound better after a warm-in period, something I rarely have time to wait for.

My question is this: Given the A 88-T's amazing price versus performance ratio, is there a solid state integrated amplifier out there that could equal or better the Cayin in a significant manner for around the same money?

For convenience reasons, (and ONLY convenience reasons) I need to go to a solid state amplifier, as I only listen to my system once or twice a week and I wish to have an already-warmed-up amplifier for my 1 to 3 tracks short listening sessions.

I have listened to most popular SS integrateds in this price range - including Moon I-5, Naim Nait, Unico and even the mighty DK Design, but apart from a tighter bottom end, they all sound one-dimensional to me, and downright dry in the case of at least one of them.

I guess what I am after is a warm-sounding or ''tube-like'' integrated, one that will provide a good ,'front-to-back' or depth perspective. The only one that comes to mind is the Electrocompaniet EC-4, that has this type of sound, but I would welcome other suggestions.

I would appreciate not getting remarks like '' You cannot duplicate a tube amp's sound with a solid state amp'' I am very much aware of this and I do have some experience with this hobby,( more than I care to admit!) and have been spoiled with many mega-dollar speakers and electronics in the past, and can recognize good sound when I hear it, subjectively of course.

If you have any suggestions of comments, please be my guest, it would be much appreciated.

I will probably end up keeping the Cayin, unless I find some undiscovered solid state gem out there, that has as much value and sound in a solid state design than the Cayin A 88-T offers in a tubed design. Thanks all.
Oh I'll be honest. It'll be the Jadis vs Cayin. And i won't fudge for either. It'll be straight up talk. As you know from all my posts, I don't hold back notin'. :-)
That Dussun looks mighty impressive.

AAA Audio, who distribute Dussun in the US, had one of my favorite rooms at HE2006. They were using other amplification, however.

I have a Cayin A88-T. As you've probably read elsewhere, there's a lot to be gained by substituting another preamp. Why is the preamp section in this integrated not better? Sounds like an opportunity for a modder.

If I'm going to bypass the preamp, does Cayin have a power amp that sounds as good as the one in the A88-T?
You could try Cayin's TRI 88 the big brother to the A**. I think price is another 1K, but not avaliable in the US, like most of Cayin's products are not. Thats yrs down the road. btw I could complain about the Jadis pre section, its not the best, but as in all things audio, the pres of the Cayin and Jadis are better than any other for the price. What cdp and speakers do you have?
I have an APL CDP and Harbeth speakers, and I have a Rowland pre I have used with the Cayin, which clearly shows the limitations of Cayin's preamp section.
"clearly shows the limitations of Cayin's preamp section". Ahhh let me ask you, how much does one pay new/used for a Rowland? Is this a tube pre?
Lets get to the bottom of the story.
I've never heard of either a APL , faintly a Harbeth. But thats beside the point. Its this Rowland vs cayin I'm interested in. I'll google Rowland right now , see what this pre is.
Before I bypass the pre on the A** for another pre, I'll just invest more $'s in a bigger Cayin. All this tweaking stuff sounds awefully "fishy" to me.
IOW I ain't buying.
I;'ll look at Rowland right back....