Best Amp + PreAmp for Esoteric X-03

I just got my player - Esoteric X-03.
Looking for best Amp & Pre Amp to partner with.
I am considering the following:
Audionet Amp 1 + PRE 1 G2 w/ EPS
Advantage / Bladelius S150 + PRE S2
Innersound iPower330 + Reference Pre Amp
Pass LAbs X150.5 + Pre X2.5
Bryston 4B SST + BP 26

Wouls like to hear your suggestions.

I have X-03 connecting with Mcintosh C2200 preamp and Mcintosh MC501 and B&W802D. Very lovely + dynamic sound (according to my ears and mind)
The only important synergy occurs between amps and speakers.
A good source will work everywhere, a good pre too imho, so maybe you could try a few amps with your speakers and forget about the source (which i really love).
My system run with Plinius SA102 and Plinius M12 and M16 but the cable important for better sound .
Recently purchased the X-03 to mate with Joule LA-150 tubed pre, Bernig ZH-270 Amp, and Merlin VSM-MX speaks, Cardas ICS and Silent Source PCs. Heaven.