Intergrated or Solid State Whats The Difference ?

New to this equipment and I do not understand (quite a few things)the difference between an Intergated and a solid state amp, or the Pros and Cons of each.
And another thing, how do mono blocks provide enough power to drive power hungery speakers like VSA VR4's or B&W 800 or 802's. Seems to me the average tube amp provide 50 to 80 wpc.
What can I add, well a few things. Neither integrated or pre/power need be intrinsically better. In most manufacturers lines the best tends to be statement pre amp and power mono blocks, but that is traditionally where the "cost no object effort" goes. There seems to be a trend to more "no compromise" integrated amps now though.
The drawback, putting the delicate pre amp circuits, with there low voltage near the interference of higher voltage output circuits and transformers. Also many so called integrated amps are just power amps with a volume control and input selector stuck on, not a true pre amp at all and a good pre amp can of course make a big difference to the final sound. Some integrated amps do have a true pre amp section though, but many of the cheaper tube amps don't.
The drawback of separate pre and power amps? To me, the main one is cost and cost is an issue for all of us. Two boxes, more components, fewer interconnects, less rack space, an integrated should give more bang for your bucks. Secondly there is the question of shorter signal paths with, in theory, less risk of interference to the delicate signal.
As for myself, I've gone from a separate Pre Power to a choice of 2 integrated amps, a Lavardin IT and Viva Solista and I am not getting rid of either
Is it possible that the original question is in reference to integrated circuits?
Maybe someone with more knowledge can explain the power of a SS to a tube. I do know that my Quad 909 (140 wpc) doesn't have as much punch as my buddies Rogue M150 running in triode mode at 75 wpc.

Have you hooked both up to the same speakers, in the same room? If not, you're comparing entire systems, not amps.

It's also possible that you are subconsciously playing the tube amp louder. A fair comparison requires you to match levels--with a voltmeter at the speaker terminals, not a cheap SPL meter. (It's possible that one is playing slightly louder without your knowing it; that's why precise level-matching is necessary.)

If you've covered those bases, then it's likely that there's something audible in the tube amp's distortion profile that gives you that "punch."

It's also possible that the specs are misleading. This has nothing to do with tube-vs-SS, of course. One amp may do better into a particular load (hence the better spec), but not so well in real-world conditions. You'd need better measurements to check this. Good measurements are graphs, not numerals.

Finally, it' always possible that you're just preferring the tube amp subconsciously. Try comparing the two blind (and level-matched), and see if the tube amp is still punchier.
I think he did mix Up terminology HYBRID is the thing left out here, Using Tubes for the input section and Solid STate output, by the way an nice design for the budget pieces in an integrated amp or preamp..
I need to learn how to get back to this thread :-) Could not find it for a day or so. Thanks for the tons of info ,insight and understanding. Its coming together. The quest continues. . . what to purchse for the objective of good listening, and stay in the budget. My present amp have XLR inputs which I would like to keep in my next unit, if possible, but I am happy with my current unit (CinePro 3K6), it a little aged, but works good, in my unexperience opinion