Maybe someone with more knowledge can explain the power of a SS to a tube. I do know that my Quad 909 (140 wpc) doesn't have as much punch as my buddies Rogue M150 running in triode mode at 75 wpc.
Have you hooked both up to the same speakers, in the same room? If not, you're comparing entire systems, not amps.
It's also possible that you are subconsciously playing the tube amp louder. A fair comparison requires you to match levels--with a voltmeter at the speaker terminals, not a cheap SPL meter. (It's possible that one is playing slightly louder without your knowing it; that's why precise level-matching is necessary.)
If you've covered those bases, then it's likely that there's something audible in the tube amp's distortion profile that gives you that "punch."
It's also possible that the specs are misleading. This has nothing to do with tube-vs-SS, of course. One amp may do better into a particular load (hence the better spec), but not so well in real-world conditions. You'd need better measurements to check this. Good measurements are graphs, not numerals.
Finally, it' always possible that you're just preferring the tube amp subconsciously. Try comparing the two blind (and level-matched), and see if the tube amp is still punchier.