My NuForce 9.02 amps send a modest thump (pop) to the speakers when first turned on. Nothing huge or scary--I bet any speaker could easily handle it. I read at least one review where the same experience was mentioned, and it appears to be a normal occurence with these amps. No big deal to me, I leave them on all the time anyway--they sound better and use up so little energy. But the sound might be disconcerting to a store customer who's not expecting it. Do you think the store was looking for this "good" reason to decline to carry NuForce, when the real reason might be that they didn't want to hurt the sales of other more expensive, and more profitable, lines?
There may be some sinister reason other NuForce owners have put their amps up for sale (how's about a blunter "Why So Many..." thread title: WHAT ARE THESE GUYS TRYING TO HIDE?), but to me it just seems like the normal action of the marketplace as a new--and relatively inexpensive-- product gets sampled and eventually finds its way to longer-term owners. Not everyone in this hobby is a member of the flavor-of-the-month club, but many who are often fail to appreciate the performance of the products they turn over so quickly. I have to plead guilty here, myself: I remember a few years ago I tried to sell my Piega P-10 speakers and found myself competing with no less than 5 other sellers. We all had to practically give the things away to sell at that time. Nowadays? No P-10's on the market, and they rarely come up for sale.