JC1, Pass X250.5, CJ Premier 350, Krell 300cx

Anyone compare any of these amps? Which one is best to drive hard, low ohm speakers who are power hungry and can produce deep tight bass, but with warmth and magical midrange? Which one is the most resolving (transparent) and can offer the best 3d imaging??
You won't go wrong with the JC-1s. In high bias, they are gut crushing yet subtly musical monsters.
Pass over the JC1 and Krell for sure, but I can't speak to the CJ 350, can't talk about what ya ain't heard.

My recommendation goes to the Krell. It is 300 watts of Class A power. The other two amps switch to AB. My brother had a 250 pass - did not compare to the Krell. They are all fine amps. My first choice of the three mentioned would be the Krell.

Good luck.