classe cav-75 bridged into 4 ohms?

Hello all,
I am contemplating bridging four of the cav-75's six channels into two (150w) channels to drive some power hungry 4 ohm speakers. has anyone done this before? comments? thanks,mike
I would be very careful and make sure that you can bridge 4 ohm's some amps are only suited to bridge 8 ohm loads.
That would mean a 2ohm load for each of those channels. Is the CAV-75 stable and capable at 2ohms? The specs seem to only refer to 8ohm loads.

I ran one like that to some Martin Logans (theater/center and aerius i's) and it sounded fine. I have a large room and never ran out of power. Its not as nice a a good 2 channel amp but for the price you can't beat the options of 3 through 6 channels. I sold a ca300 thinking that I could use the 75 bridged. Big mistake as The sound was several steps below that of the 2 channel amps. What speakers are you running?