Which integrated amp with Harbeths?

Looking to put together a very simple 2 channel system around Harbeth Super HL5s, Ayre CX-7e redbook player, and (rarely) play some vinyl. Asking for your reccomendations on an integrated amp that would match well with the Harbeths. I've auditioned the Krell 400xi, and will soon try the Plinius 9100/9200. Budget of $2,500.+/-, used on A'gon. Jazz, blues, folk, standards and especially female vocals are my main point of interest. Thanks in advance for your input.
I'd highly recommend a Naim Nait - either a 3R, or a better-sounding 5. Both of those have internal phono capabilities. The newer 5i does not without the use of an outboard Stageline - which does sound fantastic, by the way.
Second choice would be an Arcam integrated. Very nice.
Third would be a Rega integrated. Also nice.
As you can see, I think your Harbeths would sound best with a British Integrated - it's a match made in Heaven.
Feel free to e-mail me to discuss any of the above combos.
Cheers, Ed
The Portal Panache is solid state, 100 wpc, but no remote.

I also have a Plinius 9200 here. Early listening impressions are not favorable, but I'll be giving it another try. I heard Harbeth and Plinius together at CES a few years back and liked it very much.

I think a reasonable amount of power is a good idea with the Harbeths. Also, I have the impression that your Ayre CDP may be happier feeding a balanced design (not sure of that, however), so maybe the Ayre integrated is something you could take a look at.
If your already using the Ayre CX-7 the Ayre AX7e may be the ticket to get the most out of your CD's (used with balanced interconnects). I am using an Ayre C5xe with an Ayre AX7e in balanced mode. I'm using the integrated to power Dynaudio Special 25's (similar power requirements) and couldn't be happier. Lot's of favorable reviews, especially for the "e" evolution upgrade.

Listen and decide! I also hear great things about Lavardin integrateds but have not had a chance to listen to them.