Budget Preamps for Atmaspheres?

I am considering purchasing an Atmasphere S-30 or maybe M-60 at some point, and am wondering if there are any budget preamps that would match well with them. Is anyone using a cheap preamp with these excellent amps?

Marco Pignone III
Just thought of a new one...Eastern Electric MiniMax Preamplifier sound good with vintage tubes.
If you absolutely want a balanced line stage, the BAT VK3 is an excellent choice....and sometimes falls around $1k or so. Otherwise I would give serious consideration to the CJ models suggested by Rushton. Finding something under $1k because you maxed out your budget on the Atma amp will be difficult. And what speakers do you have? The Atma amps might not be a good choice at all here.

For tube models, various Counterpoints or Melos or even ARC LS7 would get my vote. If you were willing to go solid state at the start, something like the McCormack Line Drive would be a great value.

Mcfarland: The first truly balanced line stage from ARC was the LS5. The LS1, LS2, LS3 and SP15 may have had XLR connectors but they went through conversion circuits to obtain two phases....and what's the point of all that nonsense!
Prior to my MP3, I had an audible illusions M3 which was excellent with the S30. I used single-ended interconnects with the shorting plugs without any problems. The AI M3's or M3a's are almost always available on Audiogon in the $700-800 range. The PV10 mentioned above would also be an excellent choice.
My speakers are Soliloquy 8.2s. They were one of the first 2 models produced when Cary/Dennis Had owned the company. They are probably 91db (no documentation available for these), and I'm not sure of the impedance, but I think even the smaller Atmas can run them quite well.

Still debating this, but this thread has helped greatly. Depending on finances over the next few months, I expect to go in this direction.

Thanks for all the responses.