Do Bridged Accuphase Amps Sound Better?


I have a P-1000 stereo amp, and was wondering whether getting a second one playing both bridged would give me more satisfaction. I have heard that bridging may produce negative effects, but does Accuphase fall into this camp? I hope that anyone with experience in this can shed some light. Thx.

I once took two Accuphase 100-watt per channel stereo amps in trade (lucky me!). The owner used to run them in bridged mono mode for something like 400 watts per channel, as I recall. Anyway, I definitely thought they sounded better in unbridged mode. Sorry!

Accuphase is a very tough act to follow. I'm not all that familiar with their present line - how powerful is the P-1000, and do they offer a more powerful amp? Also just curious, but what speakers are you driving?

Best of luck to you,

You can`t bridge 99% of amps & drive 4ohm loads. Even with the Big A, there`s no free lunch.
I own the Accuphase MC2000 so I dont have any problems with power. I was going to buy two A50s and bridge them but my friend who heard that set up said they sound terrible when you bridge them.