differences between tube and solid state designs

this topic may have been beaten to death.

however, my experience attending ces shows has demonstrated to my eras that the differences between push pull tube and solid state amplifiers sound very similar.

i notice today's tube amps, e.g., contad johnson, audio research, wolcott audio, etc., do not exhibit many of the classic colorations associated with tube designs and sound a lot like solid state, especially with respect to frequency response, i.e., spectral balance.

there may be still be slight audible differences between the 2 formats.

has anyone perceived a narrowing of sonic differences between the two designs and if so if differences are slight, why buy a tube amp.

note, i have deliberately excluded class a and single ended amps, at low wattage, from this discussion. some of them have more of a vintage or classic tube sound, especially relative to bass and treble response.
The narrowing of sonic differences could also apply to many tube preamps...not a bad thing IMO. I own a tube preamp (Audioprism Mantissa) and tube monos (Rogue Audio)...both have some SS qualities, ie...extended freq response.

I chose these products because of these qualities...not in spite of. Why?, well because I own an extended freq response system...classic tube sound is not a good fit for this system IMO.

That said, I've also owned my old Krell Ksa-250 SS amp for many years...a fairly lush sounding amp. The Rogue tube amps replaced a Krell Kav-500...not a lush sounding Krell by any means of the word...although it did sound very good to my ear, and with the speaker system it was used with.

So...If all SS amps don't sound the same, why should all tube amps?

As is said they have been converging.Reviews of say Plinius have reviewers (and owners swear there is s hidden tube somewhere).Tube amps have been known for mids and weioth tight circut and tube choice z(EL34's may not have bass or slam of KT88 but are a midrange fave) but as has been mentioned tubes were known tuo have weak bass and rolled off highs.Not so much any more.Solid State try's to get as much wrmth in their designs.So wha what's to complain about.Solid Satte still is no maitenance but many tube folks are willing to bias once a month and change outpuits every 2-3K and drivers and where from %k to 10K (stretching it) where they can also use NOS and now some "super tubes have beter perfromance and much longer life.What's not to like?My question is why have n'tr more manufacturers tried to do what Counterpoint did.Not that I fully understand it but tubes are beter at converting voltage (beter harmonics i.e. wramth or low order distortion we call call "warmth" while higher order distortion is unpleasant and"distortion".Solid state seems to be beter atb delivering output devices especially in area of bass control.Harmon Kradon was ahead of it's time putting a tube into one of their 200 watt muscle amps but nobody dseemed to follow up (except Counterpoint where Mr.,Elliot former head of of company under new banner charges and arm and a leg to update (in many cases by pass) his tuff in upgrades.There have been some stabs in untergrated market from Unison and Pathos qand evben Jolida giving non power house intergrateds but it's a shame more companies haven't produced seperates with hybriud for best of both worlds in one.But maybe market does not percive a need given what you discern as both coming together in terms of sound.Plus theres the stand by of a glass pre and solid state power amp but feeling that we could do better as did counterpoint in producing hybrid tech for each and given solid state performance and reliability plus aloow tube rollers to have their fun.
Side by side comparision here on Very large schweikert monitors. Rogue 120 monos Kicked the $%^& out of a plinius sa250IV. Whats the best Dielectric Silicon or Air?? You be the judge.
I agree - mostly I think it's that tubes have become more able to deal with low sensitivity speakers because many of the better tube designers are incorporating their own transformer designs/windings, and using certain materials which were not as readily available in the past. Global market place, blah blah. Also I think factory conversion in eastern Europe has produced some great new tubes like Mullard and Amperex repros, and especially the new JJ Teslas. Much better than any NOS's I have tried which all tend to be microphonic, tired, fiddly or just plain crappy sounding. I also think people have had more time to think about new designs - look at the Manley Stingray, which is probably my pick for most elegant tube design of all time. The complaints I would lodge against SS are at the lower end of the market. However, I do find that the lack of air and harmonic distortion is still sort of a problem, and inherent in the SS designs. The difference between using amps vs. voltage to power a speaker (solid state v. tube), are real, and basically insurmountable. The zen-ish designs like Pass really don't do it for me, and although I like the sound of Levinson or Orpheus, I can also tell that they aren't communicating quite the way I would want. It is nice to have that quiet dark sound and the enigmatic cool box though. Bass and treble can definitely be extended by using some solid state. But it can wear on your brain aka gives me a headache, without tubes. Still, for people afraid of changing lightbulbs, I guess it's a good option... No, seriously though, my favorite SS designs are the 1970's Japanese designs like Kenwood and Yamaha and the old Sony's, which I happily use in my system, they work great and tubes give them some life. Best of both worlds and cheaper than anything you see at a show. Plus, the problem with shows is the rooms suck, so it's hard to tell what things really sound like. The room *is* the thing - a little insulation will change your system more drastically than a new source or a $1000. pair of cables. I always laugh at the guys on here with $100,000. worth of equipment in a room that's got a wood roof sloping down on half the listening area and pillars inbetween the speakers and the couch and to top it off is backed with a brick fireplace. Like, seriously, what were they thinking? Is that really going to sound better than a pair of Paradigms and an integrated Arcam with a decent source in a well-deadened room? No...