I second Narrod and Drubin's comments with a resounding DITTO. If I didn't know better (which I don't) I would sure wonder what is the connection between bartokfan and Cayin and/or what is the seeming dis-affection between bartokfan and JOR. I happen to own a JOR (which incidently, I bought in less than 10 minutes on audigon) along with a lot of other very, very fine amps and integrateds (but am not necessarily married to anyone one of them). I personally think very highly of the JOR as I also do of many of my other pieces. The JOR is not the best in the world but neither is it a sows ear. I am definitely going to get me a Cayin A88 just to tell you all how the JOR beat its pants off...and of course you will all just have to take my word for it. One mans silk purse is another mans sows ear or vice versa...